Prompting Tips

Prompting Stagehand is more literal and atomic than other higher level frameworks, including agentic frameworks. Here are some guidelines to help you craft effective prompts:


Use act() as a fallback when Playwright fails

try {
    // Wait for search button and click it
    const quickStartSelector = `#content-area >\:prose-invert > div > a:nth-child(1)`;
    await page.waitForSelector(quickStartSelector);
    await page.locator(quickStartSelector).click();
    await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
} catch {
    // Use Stagehand as a fallback to get the job done
	console.log("Error occurred, falling back to Stagehand");
	await page.act({
		action: "Click the link to the quickstart",

Use specific and concise actions

await page.act({ action: "click the login button" });

const productInfo = await page.extract({
  instruction: "find the red shoes",
  schema: z.object({
    productName: z.string(),
    price: z.number(),

Break down complex tasks into smaller, atomic steps

Instead of combining actions:

// Avoid this
await page.act({ action: "log in and purchase the first item" });

Split them into individual steps:

await page.act({ action: "click the login button" });
// ...additional steps to log in...
await page.act({ action: "click on the first item" });
await page.act({ action: "click the purchase button" });

Use observe() to get actionable suggestions from the current page

const actions = await page.observe();
console.log("Possible actions:", actions);

// You can also use `observe()` with a custom prompt
const buttons = await page.observe({
	instruction: "find all the buttons on the page",


Use broad or ambiguous instructions

// Too vague
await page.act({ action: "find something interesting on the page" });

Combine multiple actions into one instruction

// Avoid combining actions
await page.act({ action: "fill out the form and submit it" });

Expect Stagehand to perform high-level planning or reasoning

// Outside Stagehand's scope
await page.act({ action: "book the cheapest flight available" });

By following these guidelines, you’ll increase the reliability and effectiveness of your web automations with Stagehand. Remember, Stagehand excels at executing precise, well-defined actions so keeping your instructions atomic will lead to the best outcomes.

We leave the agentic behavior to higher-level agentic systems which can use Stagehand as a tool.