A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server provides AI-powered web automation capabilities using Stagehand into Claude Desktop.

Running the MCP Server

  1. Clone or download the Stagehand MCP server repository.

  2. In the project directory, install dependencies:

    npm install
    npm run build
  3. Set up your Claude Desktop configuration to use the server.

  "mcpServers": {
    "stagehand": {
      "command": "node",
      "args": ["path/to/mcp-server-browserbase/stagehand/dist/index.js"],
      "env": {
  1. Then run the server:
node dist/index.js
  1. Restart your Claude Desktop app and you should see the tools available clicking the 🔨 icon.

  2. Start using the tools! Below is a demo video of Claude doing a Google search for OpenAI using Stagehand MCP server and Browserbase for a remote headless browser.

Stagehand commands via MCP Server

  • stagehand_navigate

    • Navigate to any URL in the browser
    • Input:
      • url (string): The URL to navigate to
  • stagehand_act

    • Perform an action on the web page
    • Inputs:
      • action (string): The action to perform (e.g., “click the login button”)
      • variables (object, optional): Variables used in the action template
  • stagehand_extract

    • Extract data from the web page based on an instruction and schema
    • Inputs:
      • instruction (string): Instruction for extraction (e.g., “extract the price of the item”)
      • schema (object): JSON schema for the extracted data
  • stagehand_observe

    • Observe actions that can be performed on the web page
    • Input:
      • instruction (string, optional): Instruction for observation


The server provides access to two types of resources:

  1. Console Logs (console://logs)

    • Browser console output in text format
    • Includes all console messages from the browser
  2. Screenshots (screenshot://<name>)

    • PNG images of captured screenshots
    • Accessible via the screenshot name specified during capture

Further Reading

For more in-depth coverage, usage patterns, or troubleshooting:

• Model Context Protocol (MCP): https://modelcontextprotocol.io/introduction
• Join our Slack community: https://join.slack.com/t/stagehand-dev