
Before you begin, you’ll need to install Node.js and NPM. We highly recommend using nvm to manage your Node.js versions, and running on Node version 20+.

We highly recommend using the Node.js runtime environment to run Stagehand scripts, as opposed to newer alternatives like Deno or Bun.


Create a new project

You can use npx to create a new project. You should have npx included with npm, the default package manager for Node.js.

npx create-browser-app --example quickstart

To create a blank Stagehand project without the quickstart example, run:

npx create-browser-app

This will create a new directory called my-app, and install the Stagehand package. It will ask you the following questions:

✔ Select AI model to use: OpenAI GPT-4o
✔ Would you like to run locally or on Browserbase? Browserbase
✔ Enable DOM debugging features? Yes
✔ Enable prompt caching? Yes

Large Language Models

In addition, you’ll need either an OpenAI API Key or Anthropic API key. Stagehand allows you to choose between the following models:

We also support GPT-4o-mini, but it is not recommended for production use.


Lastly, if you want access to advanced features like custom contexts, extensions, and captcha solving, you’ll need a Browserbase account. We give you 10 free sessions to get started. You can get your Project ID and API Key from the Browserbase dashboard.


Install dependencies and run the script

cd my-app
npm install
npm run start

Use the package manager of your choice to install the dependencies. We also have a postinstall script that will automatically install the Playwright browser with playwright install.